
Another Night

Near Full Length version (un-clicked)

Covered Backing Track: Camel's "Another Night" (un-clicked)
without Guitar, Vocal and Organ solo
Remixed on 2020-08-24 (MIX01)
Remastered on 2020-08-24 (MIX02-MASTER01)

Near Full Length version

Covered Backing Track: Camel's "Another Night"
without Guitar, Vocal and Organ solo
Mixed on 2019-05-07 (MIX01)
Mastered on 2019-05-07 (MIX01-MASTER01)

Guitrar Solo Backing Track Loop

without E.Guitar
Sales information: BT2(Backing Tracks for Practice VOL.2) delivery stopped
YouTube version is available:
Remixed on 2018-10-09 (MIX02)
Remastered on 2018-10-09 (MIX02-MASTER01)

Key and Basic Chord Progression

not provide

Track Overview

not provide

Internal links