
Hold On

Intro Backing Track Loop

Title: Hold On (COVER, 5min Intro Backing Loop, Guitar less)
Intro Backing Loop (Guitar less)
Mixed on 2021-08-31 (MIX03)
Mastered on 2021-08-31 (MASTER01LP5)

Removed in 2023-04-01
This is an old version. Will be removed soon
without Guitar
Sales information: BT6(Backing Tracks for Practice VOL.6) delivery stopped
YouTube version is available:
Mixed on September 28, 2014 (MIX02)
Remastered on September 15, 2018 (MIX02-MASTER03)

Key and Basic Chord Progression

Key: Gm
Basic Chord Progression: | Gm F Ebmaj7 Cm D7 |
Basic Chord Progression: | Gm F6 Ebmaj7 Cm D7 |

Track Overview

not provide

Internal links